بررسی اثربخشی خانواده درمانی ساختاری در بهبود اختلال اضطراب جدایی

عنوان مقاله [English]

The Effectiveness of Structural Family Therapy On Treating Children\'s Separation Anxiety Disorder

نویسندگان [English]

  • R Mousavi
  • A Moradi
  • E Mahdavi Hersini
چکیده [English]

The present research aims to investigate the
efficacy of "Structural Family Therapy" on
treating children's separation Anxiety through
altering the family structure, reducing parents,
conflicts and promoting family functioning.
Adopting a quasi-experimental method, the
researcher performed a pretest-posttestintervention
and repeated measures procedure.
Forty families having at least one child with
Separation Anxiety disorder were randomly
assigned to four equal groups: Two experimental
groups (parents of one group had low literacy
level and the parents of the other group had high
literacy level) and two control groups (parents
with low and high literacy levels.)
The two experimental groups under went same
treatment for nine sessions. Additionally, they
participated in a follow-up session six weeks after
the last intervention session. Then a multi-modal
assessment of anxiety was performed including
Spence's Children's Anxiety Scale" and a
diagnostic interview based on DSMIV-TR criteria
(2000). The control groups were left untreated.
The results of factor analysis and repeated measures
of Tukey post-hoc indicated the significant
effectiveness of Structural Family Therapy on
ameliorating children's separation Anxiety (at

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Separation Anxiety Disorder;Structural Family Therapy