رابطه سبک های دلبستگی و عزت نفس اجتماعی

عنوان مقاله [English]

Relationship Attachment Styles and Social Self - Esteem

نویسندگان [English]

  • Homam Moayedfar
  • Hamidreza Agha Mohammadian
  • seyyed Mahmood Tabatabaei
چکیده [English]

In this research$ the relationship of attachment styles
and social self-esteem were examined. The main
goal of the current research was to study the type of
relationship of secure attachment style$ avoidant
attachment style$ anxious/ambivalent attachment
style with social self-esteem.Number of 84 post
graduate and doctoral students in Ferdowsi
university of Mashhad (52 male and 32 famale)
participated in this research. Subjects are asked to
complete Adult Attachment Questionnaire (AAQ)$
Revised Adult Attachment scale (RAAS)$ and social
self-esteem inventory. To analyze research data$
statistical methodes such as mean$ standard
deviation$ correlation coefficients and regression
analysis were used. Research conclusions showed
that secure attachment style$ avoidant attachment
style$ anxious/ambivalent attachment style can
significantly explain variation of social self esteem

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Attachment styles$social self esteem