Comparison of the effectiveness of emotion regulation skills training based on Gross Model and Linehan Model on suicidal thoughts in adolescents with borderline personality disoerder

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Psychology, University of Semnan, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Semnan, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan

3 Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Semnan, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan, Iran

4 PhD in Clinical Psychology, Center for Psychology and Emancipation Counseling, Tehran, Iran

5 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Semnan University, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan, Iran.


The purpose of the study is to compare effectiveness of emotion regulation skills training based on Gross Model and Linehan Model on suicidal thoughts in adolescents with borderline personality disorder. This is an experimental study with pre-test, post-test and control group and two-month follow-up. The study population included all the adolescents with borderline personality disorder that were referred to counseling centers, psychiatrists, psychiatric services as well as suicide emergency centers in Tehran city in 2017. 45 subjects were selected by random sampling method and randomly were divided into two experimental groups and one control group waiting for treatment (n=15). Both experimental groups were under treatment within 8 sessions, weekly 2 sessions of 90 minutes while the control group received no treatment. The research tool included beck scale for suicide ideation which was conducted in pre-test, post-test. Data analysis showed Linehan Model has more effectiveness in reducing the suicidal thoughts of adolescents with borderline personality disorder than Grass Model and this effectiveness was stable. According to the findings both models of emotion regulation skills training were effective due to common components of treatment on reduction of suicidal thoughts. Overall, the results indicated a more effective Linehan Model on suicidal thoughts. Therefore, it can be used to improve suicidal thoughts.


Main Subjects

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