Prediction of Loneliness Feeling based on Attachment Style and Alexithymia with the Mediation of Self-Compassion

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A in General Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Organization for Educational Research and Planning OERP, Research Institute for Education, Special Education Department, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant, Faculty member of Organization for Educational Research and Planning (OERP), Tehran, Iran


This study was conducted to predict loneliness feeling based on attachment style and alexithymia with the mediation of self-compassion. The research method was a correlational description. The research population included all students aged 18 to 26 years of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran branch in the academic year 1402-1403, using the convenience method, 384 people were selected as a sample and responded to the Student Loneliness Feeling Scale by Asher et al., Shaver & Hazan Adult Attachment Scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale by Taylor et al., & Neff Self-Compassion Scale. The research data were analyzed with Hayes regression model 4. The findings showed that secure attachment style negatively and insecure attachment styles and alexithymia positively predicted loneliness feeling. Self-compassion negatively predicted loneliness feeling. The secure attachment style positively, and insecure attachment styles and alexithymia negatively predicted self-compassion. Hence, attachment styles and alexithymia predicted loneliness feeling directly and indirectly through self-compassion. The research findings can be used in designing preventive interventions and providing practical solutions to reduce loneliness feeling in Iranian students.


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