Developing an Educational Package Based on Third Wave Treatments and Evaluating Its Effectiveness on Craving and the Severity of Addiction on Methadone Treatment Patients

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Zarand Branch, Zarand, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department Of Psychiatry, Sadougi University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Ashkezar Branch, Ashkezar, Iran


The aim of present research was to Developing an Educational Package Based on Third Wave Treatments and Evaluating Its Effectiveness on Craving and the Severity of Addictionon Methadone Treatment Patients. The research method was a semi-experimental pre-test-post-test type with a control group. The statistical population of the research included people undergoing addiction treatment working in Chadormello Ardakan mine in 2022. The research sample consisted of 60 of these people who were selected by purposeful sampling and were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. The tools of this research included McLellan et al Addiction Severity Index (ASI) and Folstein, LuriaVisual Temptation Scale for Substances (VAS). The experimental group received 10 sessions of a training based on third wave treatments. The data were analyzed by covariance analysis. The results of the analysis of covariance showed that the prepared educational package reduced Craving and the severity of addiction in the patients of the experimental group compared to the control group. Therefore, these treatments can be used as a complementary program along with drug treatments in order to reduce withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse and increase the quality of life of patients in addiction treatment centers.


Main Subjects

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