The Effectiveness of Traditional Iranian Music Therapy on Depression, Anxiety, Aggression in PMS Patients.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of psychology , islamic azad university, roudehen branch , rodehen, iran

2 PhD, faculty Iran University medical science, faculty behavioral science and mental health, mental health research center, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was the evaluation of efficiency of traditional music therapy on depression, anxiety, aggression in PMS patients. The method of this research was semi experimental with pretest-posttest and follow-up design. The statistical sample was 40 women with PMS syndrome who were referred to Rahebartar clinic in the first six month of the year 2018 in Tehran that purposefully and randomly assigned in two groups of experimental and control. For gathering the data, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Bass & Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ) were completed by participants and the researcher-made traditional music therapy package was administered. In this study, experimental group was exposed to 15 sessions of passive music therapy (3 times a day and half an hour every time which was performed 45 times in total) and 6 active music therapy sessions for each person (an hour per session). After the end of treatment, the experimental group was evaluated at the post-test and follow-up stages. The results of one-way analysis of variance showed that the traditional music therapy package effect on depression, anxiety and physical aggression in PMS patient. Then, music therapy especially traditional music therapy can be concluded to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in long time.


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