The role of family cohesion and self-worth in predicting tendency towards risky behavior in adolescents

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of present research was to predict the tendency towards risk-taking behaviors in adolescents by family cohesion and self-worth. Research method was cross-correlational. The population was equal to 1320 individuals, included all high school students of the public high schools in Bojnoord city in the academic year of 2014-2013. A sample of 300 students were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling, Chosen from 7 schools With 2 class of each school. The instruments were Iranian youth risk-taking scale, Fisher's family cohesion scale and self-worth contingency questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlation and stepwise multiple regression model. Results showed that family cohesion and self-worth negatively correlated with all sub-scales of tendency towards risky behavior. In the final step of regression model, family cohesion and self-worth significantly predicted tendency towards risky behavior. Family cohesion as an effective internal source, and self-worth as an effective external source, act as protective shields to adolescents tendencies toward risk-taking behaviors.


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