Comparison of Emotional Memory, Decision-Making and Interpersonal Reactivity in Student with Conduct Disorder and Normal

Document Type : Research Paper


1 محقق

2 guilan

3 Ardabil


The purpose of this study was to compare emotional memory, decision-making and interpersonal reactivity in students with conduct disorder and normal students. The present study was causal-comparative. The statistical population of this research included all male students in second and third grade public schools in the Ardabil city in 2014-2015 (N=800). The sample consisted of 92 students to 46 students with conduct disorder (diagnosed by clinical interviews) and 46 normal students by available sampling were identified among the 800 students. Data were collected, using the conduct disorder pathological symptoms inventory of Schaffer and et al, the emotional memory test of Cahill and McGaugh, Iowa gambling task and interpersonal reactivity index of Davis. The results of multivariate analysis of variance showed that the average scores of the emotional memory, decision-making and interpersonal reactivity in children with conduct disorder were significantly lower than the normal students. These findings indicate that adolescents with conduct disorder have difficulty in emotional memory, decision-making and interpersonal reactivity. Thus, attention to the variables in programs of prevention, pathology, counseling and therapy is necessary.


Main Subjects

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