The effect of evening-ness and sleep quality on eating disorder

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ahvaz University

2 alzahra university


Background and Objective: According to the researches emphasizing on eating disorder in adolescent girls, this study examined the simple and multiple relationship between eveningness and sleep quality with eating disorder in female high school student.
Subjects and Methods: Two hundred subjects were selected by multistage random sampling from the whole high school students in Behbahan. The scales used for this study were Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory (PSQI) and Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). The method of this study was descriptive, In order to analysis the data, used Pierson correlation and regression analysis.
Result: There was significant simple and multiple relationship between predictors and criterion variables. There was significant correlation between eveningness and eating disorder. In additional, there was significant negative correlation between sleep quality and eating disorder. Regression analysis showed that eveningness and sleep quality can predict eating disorder.
Conclusion: The overall results showed that girls with more eveningness and low sleep quality are exposed to higher risk of eating disorder.


Main Subjects

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