The effectiveness of group interpersonal therapy on affective, social adjustment and self-assertion of women with marital dissatisfaction.

Document Type : Research Paper



The objective of this investigation was the effectiveness of group interpersonal therapy (IPT) on affective, social adjustment and self-assertion of women with marital dissatisfaction. This research was semi experimental with pretest-posttest design. Using Bell`s Affective , social adjustment questionnaire and Shiring`s assertiveness questionnaire. 30 women  who had marital dissatisfaction with low affective, social and self-assertion were randomly selected and were voluntarily assigned to experimental and control (15 person in each group). The experimental group received 10 sessions of Klerman`s interpersonal therapy techniques(one or two session weekly) and the control group did not received any intervention. After the intervention, affective, social adjustment and self-assertion of the control and experimental group were measured again. The findings were analysed using multivariate covariance analysis(Mancova). Calculated F for hypothesis and sab -hypothesis showed significant differences in both groups. This research confirmed the results of other studies and showed that IPT had effective role in increasing affective, social adjustment and self-assertion of women with marital dissatisfaction.


Main Subjects

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