The study of effectiveness of training of psychological capital on dimensions of social capital among women teachers of elementary schools

Document Type : Research Paper



The study of effectiveness of training of psychological capital on dimensions of social capital among women teachers of elementary schools Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate effectiveness of training of psychological capital on dimensions of social capital among women teachers Behbahan elementary schools. The research was semi quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design. Statistical population included 230 women teachers in Behbahan elementary schools. 60 people were selected using random sampling method and were randomly assigned to two groups of 30 samples. Abili social capital questionnaires were completed by the two groups at the stage of pre-test and post – test. The experimental group received Luthans Psychological Capital training through eleven sessions and the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance. Research findings indicate that training Psychological Capital have positive effects on dimensions social capital. Thus it is suggested that educational managers develop a climate of trust and friendship among teachers by holding psychological capital training workshops. Key words: Training, Psychological Capital, Social capital, Female Teacher


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