The Comparison of Dependency, Differentiation of Self and Assertiveness in Individuals with and without Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms

Document Type : Research Paper



Vulnerability to anorexia nervosa disorder is associated with sociotropy-autonomy conflict. Thus the purpose of this study was to compare dependency, differentiation of self and assertiveness in individuals with and without anorexia nervosa symptoms. The research design was causal- comparative research method. A sample group of 173 girl students were selected through random cluster sampling. All participants filled out Dependent Personality Inventory, Eating Attitudes Test, Differentiation of Self Inventory and Assertiveness Self-Report Inventory. Participants selection was based on one standard deviation above and below the anorexia nervosa’s mean score, as well as BMI criteria. Therefore there were 39 subjects at anorexia nervosa symptoms and 75 subjects, without anorexia nervosa symptoms group. U-Mann-Whitney test was used for the data analysis. There were in terms of Dependency and Differentiation of Self (total score and subscales of ER, EC and FO) a significant difference between the two groups with anorexic individuals had higher levels of dependency and lower levels of differentiation of self compared to individuals without symptoms. There was no significant difference between IP subscale of differentiation and assertiveness between the two groups. Training- based interventions in order to solve sociotropy -autonomy conflict and to increase the level of differentiation was recommended.


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