Relationship of emotional divorce with body image and perfectionism



Studies and clinical experience show that personality characteristics are one of effective parameters to found emotional separation between spouses .Therefore in this research relationship of body image and negative perfectionism with emotional divorce in married life were examined. Sample group were contains 252 persons ( 146 females and 106 males ) of individuals , that refered to consulting centers ( health houses ) for marriage disagreements in the East of Tehran city. Research design was correlative . In order to measure the study`s variables, emotional divorce questionnaire ( Razeghi et al , 2008 ) , Fisher`s body image test(1970) and Hill perfectionism questionnaire( 2004 ), were used . Data were analyzed with the use of pearson`s correlations coefficient and regression analysis . The results showed that : there were significant negative correlations between emotional divorce and body image in women , but there weren`t significant correlations between these variables in men . Thus significant positive correlations between emotional divorce and negative perfectionism in females and males were one of the other results of this study .


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