Relation between health, tension and attitude toward job on accepting career bridge employment in retired personnel



bridge employment defiend as an analogy to bridge that link the world of work to work withdrawal. The aim of the current research was to investigate personal characteristics, job related psychological variables and other variables related to retirement design and planning in bridge employing in their job before retirement and the effect of precedent variables on their decisions. The current study design was longitudinal research and the participants were geriatric retirees from Isfahan industrial factories personnel who continued their careers in their former job and compared to full retired. Instruments were self reported inventory included demographic information ( namely age and education ) and health , financial status, job tension , job satisfaction and thought about retirement. All instruments were that of Wang (2008) with one exception, namely retirement planning which was Koslosk, Ekherdt, Deviney (2001) inventory.To analyze data, the stratified logistic analysis, odd ratio, chi square test for goodness of fit of the model and R2 effect size were used. Results indicated that personnel expected to retire that adopt bridge employment in their former career in industry were younger, more educated, healthier, experienced less job tension and more satisfied with their job, however their financial status were better. the last finding was surprising at first glance, however it is because of their educational level that help them to acquire bridge employment. Retirement is a significant period in each person lifespan that if not correctly planned, may suffer workers because of psychological tension and economical constraints.
