he Role of Gender stereotypes (Masculinity-Femininity) in the Prediction of Irrational Beliefs and Perfectionism Between High schools Students in the Mahhabad City



The main purpose of this study was to determine the role of the relationship between gender stereotypes(masculinity-femininity),in the prediction of irrational personal beliefs and perfectionism among high school students (boys and girls). in Mahabad city.In this study 343 students (159boy,184girl) selected by clustering random sampling method.They were evaluated by the Bem sex roles inventory(BSRI), Ahwaz perfection scale(APS)and The survey of personal beliefs(SPB). Data was analysed using person correlation coefficient, regression analysis and t-test. Results showed significant positive correlation between femininity and perfectionism and between irrational personal beliefs and femininity ,masculinity ,perfectionism. The result also revealed no significant correlation between the perfectionism and masculinity.Results from regression analysis showed that gender stereotypes can predict perfectionism and especially femininity predict irrational personal beliefs. The results of t-test indicated that there was a significant differences between boys and girls student in perfectionism, Irrational personal beliefs and gender stereotypes. The present research concluded that gender stereotypes may be an important role in maladaptive beliefs and perfectionism.
