Psychometric Properties of Multidimensional Student’s Life Satisfaction (MSLSS) in Guidance School Students of Gorgan City: Examination of Gender and Grade Differences



The aim of present research was to examine of reliability and validity of Multidimensional Student’s Life Satisfaction (MSLSS) in guidance school students of Gorgan and evaluation of their life satisfaction with respect to sex and grade differences. 765 guidance school students (376 girls and 389 boys) were selected through multistage cluster sampling. To gather information, multidimensional student’s life satisfaction (MSLSS) were used. In order to assess construct validity, exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were used and internal consistency method was used to assess the reliability. Also, in order to compare the groups (gender and grade) of life satisfaction univariate analysis of variance test were used. Results of exploratory factor analysis represents 12 factors predicted 59.59% of the total variance scores, that using parallel analysis showed the first seven factor, explaining 43.81 percent of variance, were acceptable. Results of confirmatory factor analysis represent an acceptable fit of the Five-factor model in Iranian students. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total quality of life score was 0.90 and for questionnaire dimensions was between 0.76 to 0.88. Gender and grad comparisons showed significant differences in some scales. The results of this study showed MSLSS has suitable psychometric properties in Iranian student’s community. It can be used in research, national and regional policy.
