comparison of meta-cognition components in youngsters stricken and not-stricken with obsessive compulsive disorder



The purpose this research was a comparative review of meta-cognition components in youngsters stricken and not-stricken with obsessive compulsive disorder. Comparative-causative method was used in this study, the available sampling method is used to select the samples including 30 youngsters stricken with obsessive compulsive disorder among those admitting to psychiatric clinics of Imam Hussein (AS) and Tehran Roozbeh hospitals, and 30 youngsters not stricken selected among the students in Tehran. To collect data, the diagnosis of psychiatric and organized clinical interview based on DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, short form of Wells and Cartwright-Hatton meta-cognition Questionnaire and Madzli’s obsessive compulsive questionnaire were used. The data were analyzed via T test within two independent groups. The results showed that the meta-cognition of youngsters stricken with obsessive compulsive disorder compared with adolescents not stricken by the disorder was different and only in the component relating to the need to control thoughts in the two groups difference was not observed. Regarding to the results obtained in the study, meta-cognition beliefs were important in showing minds, feelings and the necessity of doing manners as well as conserving, persistency and intensifying of illness's signs in people who are stricken with obsessive compulsive disorder are playing an important role.
