A Study of Factors Affecting Client Satisfaction with Consultative Services


In this research the relation between client's
consultative satisfaction, situation and processing
variables were studied.
According to its goals and their variables involved,
this study is considered as a survey research. 126
clients who discontinued their consultative sessions
at the Tohid Counseling and Psychological Services
Center were selected as the subjects of the study via
available sampling in the 1381-1382 academic year.
Data were collected using a questionnaire prepared
by the researcher with 23 questions and analyzed
via analysis of variance, discriminate analysis, t-test
and the Scheffe procedure.
Age, gender, marital and academic status of the
samples did not have a meaningful relation with
their satisfaction. However, number of sessions,
length of the therapeutic sessions to be admired, on
time and the admissions attitude, responsibility of
the client to their homework, their attitude towards
counseling had meaningful relation with client
The results of this study can be a reliable and
efficient source to guide and to direct activities of
the counseling units.
