A Study of the predicted power of identity dimentions of Shiraz college students by dimentions of their parents child rearing



The purpose of this study was to determine the predicted power of identity of Shiraz college students by their parents rearing. The sample included 242 shiraz university students (134 female and 108 male) who were selected through clustered-stage-randomized method. The Family Environment Inventory was used to evaluate child rearing dimentions and the Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ) was used to assess identity. Cronbach alpha coefficient and factor analysis were used to determine the reliability and validity of the questionnaires respectively. By using simultaneous multiple regression method, predictive power of dimentions of child rearing for identity dimentions were calculated. Results showed that the rejection- acception dimention of child rearing was positive predictor of commitment dimention of identity. control- freedom dimention of child rearing didn't predicted commitment and exploration dimentions.
