Studying the hierarchical structure of personality using the NEO-Five Factor Inventory


 The  main
purpose of this research was to study the hierarchical structure of
personality by using the NEO-Five Factor Inventory(NEO-FFI). This research Was
a descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included Isfahanian
couples. From this population, 522 available persons(261couples) were selected.
The NEO-FFI was used for collecting the data. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was
used for studying the factor structure of the NEO-FFI by using Amos18. The
results showed that the NEO-FFI has a great reliability and validity. The
studying of the measuring model revealed that the Big Five Factors of
personality went to the Big Two and then
to the Big One. The first second order factor, Stability, includes Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and
Agreeableness. Another second order factor, Plasticity, consists of Openness and Extraversion. GFP explained 61%
of the variance of stability and 94% of the variance of plasticity. GFP
occupies the top of the hierarchical structure of personality. 
