Preliminary study of Structural relationship of HEXACO personality factors and Cluster B personality disorders

Document Type : Research Paper



Abstract Present study aim was to investigate structural relation of HEXACO personality factors and Cluster B personality disorders. To this end, 100 students were selected by simple sampling and filled out MCMI-III and HEXACO-PI-R. Then data were analyzed by Partial Least Square (PLS) method of structural equation modeling (SEM) and to this aim second version of SmartPLS software was used. The measurement model result of each personality factors and personality disorders showed major indicators of these variables were valid and reliable, but some of them were loaded weakly in their latent variables, then they were excluded. Result of structural model indicates agreeableness, emotionality and honesty-humility had meaningful effect on antisocial personality disorder; emotionality and agreeableness has meaningful effect on borderline personality disorder; extroversion and openness to experience had meaningful effect on histrionic personality disorder; and finally extroversion, emotionality and honesty-humility has meaningful effect on narcissistic personality disorder. Also Q2 coefficient suggests the present model is able to predict indicators of endogenous latent variables. Findings are discussed according to biological constructs.


Main Subjects

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