A comparative study of attachment dimensions and personality traits among unfaithful men and women who experienced infidelity and normal couple.



Infidelity is a major cause of divorce and spousal battering. little is known, however, about wich individual are susceptible to infidelity, or about the contexts factors that promote infidelity. The purpose of this study was to examine and compare attachment dimensions and The big five personality traits among unfaithful men and women who experienced infidelity and normal couple. For this purpose 397 (247 femal and 150 men) were selected. Data were collected with The big five personality trait NEO, attachment style RAَAS questionnaires. Analysis of data were t-test independent and ANOVA test. The result indicated that women have betrayed ( in court), at the neuroticism, and betrayed women (counseling centers) at the conscience than normal women have demonstrated significant differences. The women have betrayed ( in court) than women (counseling centers) have shown significant differences at the anxiety and avoidance attachment. Also Unfaithful men and normal men were shown significant differences in neuroticism, conscientiousness, anxiety and avoidance attachment
