The purpose of this research is to examine the
relationships between parent’s attachment style and
children’s Attachment disorder in school-age
The sample consisted of 324 girls and 281 boys that
were selected from Tehrn public primary schools
of three grades (3, 4, and 5) by a random multistage
sampling method.
To verify the hypotheses, The Attachment Styles
Questionnaire (Revised), the Randolph Attachment
Disorder Questionnaire (RADQ), the Bender Gestalt
Test (BG), and one questionnaire for demographic
information were used.
The findings indicated that parent’s insecure/anxiety
attachment can significantly predict attachment
disorder of their children.
Parents of insecure attachment reported higher
levels of marital discord and lower in socioeconomic
status than did parents of secure
attachment. Also, marital discord, difference of age
between parent (more ten years) and low income
family was significantly related to the attachment
(2006). Predicting Attachment Disorder in School-age Children in Respect to Parents’ Attachment Style. Journal of Psychological Studies, 2(1), 125-146. doi: 10.22051/psy.2006.1682
. "Predicting Attachment Disorder in School-age Children in Respect to Parents’ Attachment Style", Journal of Psychological Studies, 2, 1, 2006, 125-146. doi: 10.22051/psy.2006.1682
(2006). 'Predicting Attachment Disorder in School-age Children in Respect to Parents’ Attachment Style', Journal of Psychological Studies, 2(1), pp. 125-146. doi: 10.22051/psy.2006.1682
Predicting Attachment Disorder in School-age Children in Respect to Parents’ Attachment Style. Journal of Psychological Studies, 2006; 2(1): 125-146. doi: 10.22051/psy.2006.1682